
7 Articles

What's at the edge?

Exploring serverless and edge computing

As technology races forward, the need for tools and infrastructure that facilitate rapid and efficient data delivery becomes increasingly pressing. This article explores technologies like serverless and edge computing as solutions that allow us to meet the demand for faster and more efficient data delivery. We examine the intricacies of edge computing and we uncover its advantages and disadvantages, while also exploring its potential impact.

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What does it mean to containerize an application?

Setting up another development environment can be a tedious landscape to navigate. It slows the build process as you first have to set up all the dependencies. Moreover, in a production setting, those same dependencies must be set up before your application becomes accessible. This article explores what it means to containerize an application and why developers may want to opt into this approach as their application grows.

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How do we design algorithms that scale with our data?

An exploration into sorting algorithms

Data structures & Algorithms (DSA) may be the bain of every computer science student's existence; it sure was mine. But after contributing to/writing software for small businesses and personal projects, I can appreciate why it's important to learn and its specific use cases. This article explores the sorting algorithms part of DSA's and tours through the importance and use cases of various sorting algorithms.

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How does an app know to change the appearance of a button once it's pressed?

Uncovering what is means to conditional render a component

You've just stumbled across the about page of this blog and realized that you have an option of reading either a short or long version of the description. You start to wonder how a feature like this can be created. In short, it's all based on conditional rendering. In this article, we will explore the topic of conditional rendering and how we can use it to create custom experiences based on user input.

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Let's not over-engineer things

A look into how the word game Clueless Words picks a new word everyday

Games like Wordle, Clueless Words, Nerdle, and so on somehow generate a new word/puzzle every day. It's an aspect of these games that are not thought about from the player's perspective at least not until one of the players tries to build a daily puzzle. In this article, I explore different ways to pick a new word/puzzle every day and the pros & cons of each approach.

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Getting Started with Programming in 2022

How to get started with programming? What resources are available? What benefits does it provide me?

Most often we use the new year as a time to learn new skills and break bad habits and with the rapid expansion of technology into our daily lives, it would be a great idea to add programming as a skill to learn for 2022. Most often, the people near me, be it friends/co-workers are interested in learning how to program but have no clue where to start. So, today, we'll be talking about why it would be good to learn programming in 2022 and how to even get started. We'll touch on what resources are available to get started, be it wanting to learn on your own or wanting to go to a boot camp.

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What's the JSON format?

JavaScript Object Notation

JSON, JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight format for storing and retrieving data from across the internet and is most often used in retrieving data from an API. Today, we will take a look at how we can create, and read JSON data we want to send or retrieve from an API. This article explores how we can create and read JSON data we want to either send or retrieve from an API.

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